Gas Analysers & Gas Sensors

Safety first should be every diver’s motto. Diving is an exciting sport that holds unparalleled appeal but it also comes with its own set of risks, including the dangers of gas toxicity. To help you stay safe and prevent unnecessary risks, we bring you a selection of high-quality gas analysers and gas sensors to choose from. Calibrate your cylinder’s gas levels with our state-of-the-art oxygen nitrox (EAN) analysers or purchase one of our cutting-edge gas sensors to monitor your oxygen levels and keep yourself safe. Our carefully curated choice of gas analysers and sensors are all manufactured by world-renowned brands you know and trust. Browse our full selection online or in store, and pick the equipment to suit your needs.

  • Sensor R-17VAN


    Compatible with:

    • Vandagraph VN202
    • Vandagraph TEK-OX
    • MSA MiniOx
    • Dive Rite VTI
    • Teledyne AD300
    • Teledyne MD300


    Please Note: This sensor is not suitable for use with Rebreathers

    • €115.00
    Sorry, we only have 1000 of that item available
  • Sensor R-22AT


    Compatible with:
    Analox ATA
    Analox ATA Pro
    Analox 9100-9212-94

    • €115.00
    Sorry, we only have 1000 of that item available
  • Sensor R-22VAN


    Compatible With:

    Please Note: This sensor is not suitable for use with Rebreathers.

    • €115.00
    Sorry, we only have 1000 of that item available
  • Sensor R-33S1


    Compatible with:
    Teledyne Mixchek
    OMS Analyser II
    Analox 9212-9 (Not for ATA) 

    • €115.00
    Sorry, we only have 1000 of that item available
  • Tek Ox Oxygen Analyser

    An oxygen analyser designed specifically for extreme diving environments. Easy-to-use with either hand and equipped with large key digits, this analyser offers convenience and efficiency.

    • €299.00
    Sorry, we only have 1 of that item available
Items:15 of 5